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Resources for genealogists of Mennonites and Hutterites from Prussia and Russia

Mennonite Genealogy, Inc.

Mennonite DNA: Participation

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How can you participate in the autosomal Mennonite-DNA project?

  • First, determine if you are a candidate. Mennonite DNA needs the results of DNA analyses for individuals with low-german ancestry. You could be a part if:

    • You are included in the GRanDMA database.

    • The autosomal dna study needs data from individuals where at least one of your ancestral lines ends with an individual with a low-german name. (See the list of names.)
      If you submit a raw-DNA file, this study will provide you with a list of dna-related individuals who have also submitted data to the project.

    • Males can also be a part of the yDNA study if the patrilineal line has a low-german surname. With yDNA samples, the project searches for the progenitor(s) of your family name and possibly the deeper origins.

  • Second, get an autosmal-DNA analysis. You may have already gotten this test for other reasons; if so, skip to the third step. Otherwise order a test-kit from one of these services:

    Send in your sample as directed on your test kit and wait a few weeks for the test to be completed. A report will be sent to you, but the raw data will probably not be included.

  • Third, when the results come back, log in to that service to download the raw DNA data. It may take some searching. The raw DNA data will usually come as a zip file. Forward that file as an email attachment to

    The Mennonite DNA team will enter and process that data, comparing your DNA with the others who have sent in their DNA data.

    Then, they will email to you a "Match List," an Excel file listing DNA "matches" including names, GRanDMA numbers, and genetic data. You will also receive login access to the database for much greater detail or to reload the Excel file, but all you need is the Match List for the last step.

  • Finally, if you want to compare the DNA data with genealogical data, the Excel Match List file from Mennonite DNA may be uploaded to GMOL for GRanDMA-match/DNA-match comparison. If you are logged into GMOL, go to the GRanDMA-DNA page where you can compare the DNA matches in Mennonite-DNA with the genealogical matches in GRanDMA OnLine.

  • Learn more about Genealogical DNA in a low-german context:

Mennonite Genealogy, Inc.

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klr, 10/2024